
Infrared Sauna

Detox, Relax and Revitalise Your Life

Experience the power of infrared

 The gentle heat from an infrared sauna penetrates your body and raises your internal temperature. This triggers a deep and cleansing sweat that eliminates toxins, chemicals and fat.

Infrared saunas provide a more comfortable and relaxing environment than traditional saunas, and relieve a wider range of health concerns.

Relax and enjoy the many health benefits of infrared heat therapy:


Eliminate toxins stored deep inside the body through profuse sweating

Skin Rejuvenation

Increased blood circulation and the elimination of toxins lead to smoother, clearer skin.

Improved Sleep

The gentle and soothing heat of infrared promotes relaxation and improves sleep.


Burn up to 600 calories in a session. Each infrared session is a cardiac workout, equivalent to an hour of vigorous exercise.

Stress Relief

Infrared light increases the production of endorphins in the body, similar to a post workout “high.”

Pain Relief

The deep soothing heat and increased blood circulation relaxes and restores sore muscles and joints.

The Benefits of Infrared Sauna LED Light Colour Therapy:

Red Light

Red infrared light is excellent for areas that have become stiffened. It promotes cellular growth, stimulating the circulatory system. We recommend using the red light for colds, sluggish or dormant conditions, such as pneumonia, arthritis, anemia, as a liver stimulant, an energy builder, and for increasing circulation.

Yellow Light

Yellow light helps awaken mental inspiration arousing higher mentality. Yellow can be used for conditions of the stomach, scar tissue repair, liver and intestines. Providing clarity of thought, increasing awareness, stimulating interest and curiosity yellow energy is related to the ability to perceive or understand.

Green Light

Green is the universal healing Colour, connecting physical nature and a spiritual nature. Thus, green can be used for just about any condition in need of healing. When in doubt, green will always work. Green will help relax muscles, nerves and thoughts. The Colour green cleanses and balances our energy, to give a feeling of renewal, peace and harmony.

Blue Light

Blue can be used for any type of ailments associated with speech, communication, or the throat. Blue has a pacifying effect on the nervous system encouraging great relaxation. It is ideal for sleep problems. Blue light connects us to holistic thought, and gives us wisdom and clarity enhancing communication and speech. Relaxing, soothing blue rays bring great calm.

Orange Light

Orange light combines physical energy with mental wisdom and is warm, cheering, and non-constricting. Orange is the best emotional stimulant, helping to remove inhibitions paving independent social behaviour. Bring joy to your workday and strengthen your appetite for life. Orange aids in repairing inflammation of the kidneys, gallstones, menstrual cramps, epilepsy, wet cough and all sinus conditions.

Violet Light

Violet light is an excellent remedy for neurosis, diseases of the scalp, sciatica, tumours, rheumatism, cerebral- spinal meningitis, concussion, cramps and epilepsy. Violet light purifies our thoughts and feelings giving us inspiration in all undertakings. The violet energy connects us to our spiritual self, bringing guidance, wisdom and inner strength, and enhances artistic talent and creativity.

Try it for yourself

Infrared Sauna

Experience the power of infrared. The gentle heat from an infrared sauna penetrates your body and raises your internal temperature. This triggers a deep and cleansing sweat that eliminates toxins, chemicals and fat. Infrared saunas provide a more comfortable and relaxing environment than traditional saunas, and relieve a wider range of health concerns, such as detoxification, stress relief, weight loss and skin rejuvenation. Regular saunas also improve blood circulation, cardio health, muscle and joint pain, sleep and general wellbeing.

30min – $45